Welcome to Sentora's Official REPO!
Here you will be able to download FREE third-party modules/themes from both the Community and the Sentora Staff.
Soon developers will be able to submit modules/themes, and host them on our server.
This will allow our community to hold a more secure module/theme's repo and to ensure modules will
be supported and be available as long as the author/staff allows the modules to be used.
This repo is maintained by the Sentora Team.
Please donate so we are able to work on testing all modules/themes for compatibility/security and secure Sentora's modules for the future.
Donate now...
A $1 monthly subscription goes a long way to help the Sentora Team/Community DEV members maintain and help secure these lost/unmaintained modules.
For more information and help using Sentora please visit: www.sentora.org.
Kind regards,
The Sentora Team